OFB-EZ MobileOFB-EZ Mobile℠ from EMC Insurance Companies
A disaster can be a stressful time for individuals and businesses. Being prepared for the unexpected is the best way for a business to limit negative impacts of a disaster, avoid or limit extra expenses, protect revenues and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
OFB-EZ Mobile can make it easy for any small business to create a valuable business continuity plan and stay Open For Business® when a disaster strikes. Create, access, edit, share and reference your plan conveniently from your mobile device and/or your desktop with the companion Chrome App.
This app is designed to help you identify, document and maintain:
• Priority of risks to your business operations
• Critical business functions and contingencies
• Employee contact information to facilitate communications
• Contact information for key customers, suppliers and vendors
• Technology, data, and connectivity needed to support business functions
• Financial preparations to improve response and recovery
OFB-EZ Mobile was created in cooperation with the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, a leading national expert on preparing for catastrophes, both large and small.
You can email successes, suggestions, problems or questions about the OFB-EZ Mobile app to losscontrol@emcins.com.