Forty Five card game web app, with Irish rules, by Monolithic Games.
Each player is dealt 5 cards from the deck and then the top…Forty Five card game web app, with Irish rules, by Monolithic Games.
Each player is dealt 5 cards from the deck and then the top card of the deck is turned over to determine the Trump suit for the round. You are P1 (bottom), P2 is on right, P3 is on top and P4 is on left. You play as all players, as there's no artificial intelligence (AI) yet. Each player must play a card from their hand with the aim of winning a trick. A hand consists of 5 tricks.
** Note: This is a work in progress, alpha build/demo so doesn't do much yet. **
# Version v0.1.5.5 Change list:
- You can now play a full/complete game of 45 (mostly)
- You can now Rob the trump card if you have the Ace of trump, or if an Ace or Joker is turned up for trump
>> you first need to click a card to discard/exchange for the trump that you pick up
>> you can pick up for other players too
- Event are on bottom right (for pick up trump event, etc)
- Game information area on bottom left for displaying game messages / status
- Score / trick information area on top right
- Gave UI a material design influenced makeover
- Various refactorings, bug fixes and improvements
# Version: v0.1.5.4 - Abandoned
# Version v0.1.5.3 Change list:
- Fixed error where cards at position [0] in hand are accidentally removed
- Fixed ugly appending of card image from hand to play area onclick()
- New playCard() function to allow all players to 'play' card from hand
# Feedback welcome:
>> working on:
=> adding card selection function to allow robbing of trump card and discard weck card in exchange
==> refactor various parts to better handle the game state, scores, turns, winning, game over etc
Reviews of 45 | Irish Forty Five | Monolithic Games platform_app