This is a simple podcast app, created as a demo. Check out the source on github:
This is an app that I'm working on mainly as a demo. It's a bit flakey right now, so please be a little forgiving. If it's giving you trouble, you can kill it and re-open it. Hopefully the next version will fix some of the more glaring issues.
This app is fairly simple to use:
* subscribe to your favorite podcasts using the panel on the left
* delete any that you don't like
* click on a podcast to see available episodes
* open episodes to add them to the playlist
* expand the top playlist section to start playing an episode
There's a lot of stuff that I'd like to do with this. If you think it has some potential, and would like to see some feature, please make a feature request on the github project:
This was released originally as a demonstration used in a Google Developer's Live talk:
Here are the slides with links to everything else in the talk: