Post your local news, videos and photos on a world mapWebtomap lets users post their photos, videos and articles on a Google map. If you have something to say about: the town you live in, interesting places you have visited or any other location please feel free to post it on the map. We would also like you to rate items posted on the map to make it easier for other users to sift thru all the content. If you want to comment on items posted on the map feel free to do so. You can use your: Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and Google account to login and start posting items on the map. If you find something interesting you can easily share the story on all major social networks like Facebook and Twitter. If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the directory structure or the search functionality to find the items you are looking for.
If you have any comments, feedback or suggestion you can email me at
[email protected] or contact me on