Custom Right-Click Menu

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More than 4000 users worldwide
Current version: 2.2.14
Price: FREE
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Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.Create your own entries in the right-click menu. Add custom JavasScript scripts, links, sub-menus and custom CSS stylesheets that activate when you click them in your right-click menu and do anything you want all from your right-click menu. Featuring full GreaseMonkey compatibility for userscripts and Stylish compatibility for userstyles.

Using the CRM API, the chrome APIs that come with it, and the background script, you have the same freedom in writing JavaScript scripts that you would have writing a chrome extension except that this is a lot easier. This allows you to write just about anything you want and incorporate it into your or someone else's right-click menu by sharing it.

For more information check out the source code over at

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