Quick Start

Rate 4.08 / 59 votes
More than 2982 users worldwide
Current version: 0.3.1
Price: FREE
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start chrome with all extenstions disabled, click to enabled some. great for slow computersAll you want to do is quickly google something, but you have to start up chrome. Extension after useless extension loads when you don't want any of them. Isn't there another way? How about only loading one extension. An extension that when clicked, loads the rest. So you can do your quick googling when you want to and you can have them all installed. And if your extensions start becoming memory hogers, click the button again, and they are all disabled.

WARNING: This is not a stable version of it. There may be a chance that the extension fails to re-enable your extensions. you will have to go to your preferences and enable them by hand if this happens.

Created by theQxQ.

Also note that this extensions is unlikely to be updated anymore, but they are open source, so if you really want a feature, you can go ahead and add it. It is also under the mit license, so feel free to fork the code and use it any way you want.

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