Mastodon Friend Checker

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Current version: 0.1.1
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This extension shows 'Following' if you've already followed a remote Mastodon web profile.UPDATE:
Only requires instance name. (, etc)
Must be logged in.
No user handle necessary. :-)
Following count now displays in popup.
New responsive error messages.
Enter key now submits.

1. Click icon.
2. Enter your instance name.,, etc etc
3. Hit 'Enter' or click 'Refresh'.
4. Hide icon.
'Remote Follow' => 'Following'


This small extension checks whether or not you have already followed a remote Mastodon web profile, and replaces the "Remote Follow" text on any web profile you're already following with the word "Following".

The user only needs to enter their user address or instance name once, then the extension will automatically update with new followings every 5 min. In the future, the rate in which the script checks for updates may become a user-modifiable feature.

This extension is currently needed because remote instances can only direct you to remote follow their user-- regardless of if you're already following them or not. (You aren't logged into them.) The button's click-through still has the same effect.

NOTICE: Please see that the user handle in the popup changes and shows the number of users that you're following. This is the signal that you have been properly configured and are ready to go. You could now hide the button into the Chrome Menu, if you would like. The extension should update and run perfectly fine in the background.

6/1: New errors messaging. 'Enter' submits textbox. Following count now displays in popup. Instance name alone now also works.
6/1: Fixed CSS/HTML for changing 'Follow' to 'Following', improved method of obtaining following list.
4/20: At some point CSS changed to 'next' instead of 'next_page' fixed that and a couple other things.

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