Simple Units Converter

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Current version: 2.0.4
Price: FREE
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Simple Units Converter is a general-use units conversion calculator good for converting from one set of units to another.Simple Units Converter is a general-use units conversion calculator good for anyone interested in converting from one set of units to another. It was developed with ease of use as a primary objective.

Has 562 different units and 43 different dimensions: acceleration (22 different units), angle (17), area (24), change in temperature (4), cooking (28), data storage (16), density (16), electrical conductivity (14), electric charge (8), electric current (5), electric dipole (3), electric potential difference (3), energy (40), flow (volume) (22), force (16), frequency (8), fuel consumption (14), illuminance (5), length / distance (30), luminance (8), luminous intensity (4), magnetic flux (2), magnetic flux density (4), molar energy (7), molar heat capacity (2), molar mass (13), power / heat flow rate (34), pressure (28), radiation - absorbed dose (6), radiation - equivalent dose (2), radiation - exposure (2), radiation - source activity (3), specific heat (5), speed / velocity (14), temperature (7), thermal conductivity (8), time (20), torque (6), viscosity - dynamic (9), viscosity - kinematic (4), volume (71), volume - dry (7), weight / mass (36)

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