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Current version: 2.0.1
Price: FREE
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Be effective, not busy!*Works only for Google Workspace customers (G Suite)*

Aerotime helps you to get to a state of flow, every day.

Here are three critical ways in which we do this:

Automatically regroups your meetings together to maximize uninterrupted time for work that needs long concentrated hours (what we call as Focus Hours).

You mark the meetings that are flexible to move within the day (such as 1-1s, team catchups) and be optimized to better times, if needed.
Aerotime then figures out the best times for these meetings by optimizing for maximizing everyone's focus hours. It moves the meetings with at least a 16 hour heads up and also makes sure everyone's available at the new times.

Aerotime pre-blocks the desired number of hours everyday as focus hours to make sure your time is protected for things that are important and not just urgent. They follow your preferences of when you want to focus and also respects incoming meetings and move if you accept the clashing invite.

Trivial interruptions, when focusing, never let you enter deep in your work and snoozing these messages is one of the best things you can do to increase concentration.
With Aerotime's Slack integration, snooze messages on Slack when you're focusing and keep others in the loop by automatically reflecting this in your slack status.

*Your data is safe:*
A note on privacy, we only store 2 weeks of calendar data encrypted on our server and delete after that. We don't sell your data, you're the owner of it and you're always in total control.

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