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Current version: 0.5.3
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Add Youtube songs into your Spotify PlaylistsFound a great song on YouTube? Loved every song in a 3-hr long mix? Here is your lazy 3-click solution to add them all to Spotify!

This simple chrome extension allows you to easily add currently playing YouTube song on to your Spotify playlist of choice.

* Choose the songs you loved most and add them to one of your Spotify playlists
* Create new playlists on the fly

We made this mostly out of frustration of having to Copy-Paste every song into Spotify. We would love to hear your feedback on making this even more epic! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]


Improved search of popular music

Continued on Parsing improvements.
Technical changes for testing

Fixed infinite login bug
Parser Enhancement
Revamped User Interface

v0.4.3 Spotify API bugfix
Pass in auth: true for searching Spotify tracks
Remove overly complicated Facebook iFrame structures
Remove server components and have a simple mailto contact form

v0.4.2 Youtube API bugfix
Updated youtube api to retrieve title and description

v0.4.1 Minor UI improvements:
Facebook message success/fail moved to status bar instead of inside iframe

v0.4 Facebook Integration:

Auth flow for Facebook done similar to Spotify client flow
DNS registration for
SSL certification through Comodo
Allow text input in report submission

v0.3.2 Bug fixes:

Youtube videos that do not parse now show empty list rather than "Please select a YouTube tab" message
Removed parsed songs that spotify couldn't search from UI
Playlist add now shows correct number of songs
Other minor improvements

v0.3.1Server Setup:

Running NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB in a dedicated server
API calls for reporting faulty urls and viewing song details

v0.2 Beta test begins:

Improved parsing
Improved auth flow
Remove duplicate tracks
Create Playlist feature added
Refactored code

v0.1 First web store upload:

Moved all web server code to chrome extension
Auth goes through chrome extension native implementation
Auth token remembered for 1 hour and auth flow does not ask for login every popup load
Parses most Suicide Sheep and related Progressive House mixes' description tag that contain "artist - track" template

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