Micro sharing, highlight and share anything

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More than 1447 users worldwide
Current version: 1.1.3
Price: FREE
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One click to share highlighting text, image or page by 80+ social services (space for 1.8 billion people)Key features :
+ Our app is fast and easy, does not slow down your browser.
+ Installation our app occurs without restarting your browser.
+ Enable or disable the app occurs in a single click without reloading the page.
+ Our app support sending in more than 80 key global internet services, which generally covers approximately 1.8 billion users of social services (platforms for blogs, social networks, bookmarking services, instant messaging services, etc.).
+ Works without registration.
+ All work with app and services takes place anonymously, we do not track cookies and other information through the app in a browser.
+ We care about your personal information and do not use it and do not disclose it to third parties.
+ Using the app will allow the fastest way to send the selected text, image, video, link, a whole page in any number of services.
+ Sending take place without redirection. Unlike addthis and other similar services, our app immediately sends the data to the service directly, it saves time.
+ Our app uses the default short links for a sharing. You do not need to use the same service (bit.ly and other).
+ Flexible app directly in the browser.
+ Detailed statistics for bringing traffic. Filter by region, referrals, and other sources of parameters. Available free online 4qu.co.
+ Access to statistics via the api.
+ Our app is an indispensable tool for any webmaster, smm manager, lover of social services.
+ Our app saves time, ideal for use in a team to research and gather information.
+ Share photos and videos even if they are hidden from other privacy settings.
+ On the main page of the service 4qu.co you can see in real-time micro sharing our users.
+ On the main page you can discuss micro sharing in real time.
+ You can collect collection micro sharing using the tags.

After installation you will be able to send a quote available from any page in the social networks.
Members will be follow on the link and see just what you are highlighted.
You can share images and videos with your friends.
This is an excellent tool for sharing what is really important.
Also, it is convenient for collecting interesting in the Internet and compiling a list of wishes.

CAUTION : The application allows you to send information from any page on the Internet. Some pages may contain personal information. Be careful when sending information to social services.

Also, the app is available for Firefox, Opera, Safari. We also support the bookmarklet. More on http://4qu.co/t
If you want to use the functionality of the app on your website or blog, then offer our widget http://4qu.co/widget
If you like our app, please leave a review and put 5+ rating. And also, please tell your friends about us!
Thus we get feedback and make the app even better!

A list of services that the application supports (approximate total audience 1.8 billion users):
Facebook, Twitter, Email,Pinterest, LinkedIn, Evernote, Google+, Vk.com, Odnoklassniki, Moimir, Livejournal, Delicious, Google bookmarks, Yahoo bookmarks, Whatsapp, Appnet, Xing, Twiddla, Lifestream, Box, Netlog, Funp, Xerpi, Bibsonomy, Bookmarks fr, Friendfeed, Yigg, Pusha, Fark, Viadeo, Dzone, Folkd, Printfriendly, Rediff, Stumbleupon, Digg, Wanelo, Bufferapp, Mendeley, Pinboard, Flipboard, Yahoo messanger, Blogger, Kindle it, Citeulike, Instapaper, Netvouz, Blogmarks, Meneame, Protopage, Webnews, Youmob, Allvoices, Care2, Newstrust, Tuenti, Reddit, Tumblr, Myspace, Mister wong, Orkut, Pocket, Springpadit, Arto, Plurk, Typepad, Baidu, Jumptags, Phonefavs, Diigo, Startaid, Yoolink, Newsvine, Blinklist, Slashdot, Jamespot, Buddymarks, Symbaloo, 100zakladok, 2linkme, Adifni, Amenme

If you want to add any service in our app, noticed bugs, you need help or support, have an idea, please write all it on http://4qu.uservoice.com/
We always welcome any feedback, questions and requests.

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