A collection of scripts for IC*** Description ***
BundledScripts is a collection of small scripts I had laying around. It features an ever expanding range of options to tweak and alter the various sites of the InterClimax (IC) network.
The settings also feature a 'Night mode'. This mode will turn the white background of the extension pages into black and the black text into grey.
*** Script list ***
- BePatient: removes the JavaScript timer on the homepage, stopping the page from refreshing itself.
- DontFlashMe: removes some flashy effects like the flashing private button and the blinking text on the homepage.
- FreezeThem: stops the updating of the room previews on the homepage.
- ImAnExpert: removes the 'Virtual tour' button of the homepage (nobody ever uses it anyway) and can replace it with a button to go to the VoyeurHouse (VH).
- NoMoreBanners: can remove various banners and tickers from the homepage, a models room and the VH.
- PersistentWaiter: refreshes the page if you're accessing a model's room while she is offline. Keeps refreshing till the model is online.
*** Update note ***
BundledScripts is now prepared for the future! All extensions of the CatSeeker project are now compliant with the latest standards from Google on security and work fully with the latest versions of Chrome.
Updated the VoyeurHouse link to the new style.
*** Change log ***
For the full changelog, go to http://catseekerproject.activeboard.com/t47256460/change-log/
*** Bugs ***
If you find a bug, please go to http://catseekerproject.activeboard.com/f549510/bug-reports/ to report it
*** Feature requests and submitting scripts ***
If you have a request for a feature, check out http://catseekerproject.activeboard.com/f549509/feature-requests/
If you have a script you would like to submit, go to http://catseekerproject.activeboard.com/f549512/community-contribution/